Classcharts is a points based system whereby staff can award positive points to students at any time of the day. Students can gain a point for many different reasons such as excellent classwork or homework, effort, enthusiasm, resilience in learning or generosity. Positives will result in certificates and rewards as thresholds are achieved and these will be visible on ClassCharts.
Staff can also award a negative point if a student has failed to meet the expected standard of effort or behaviour. For example, this could be applied for lateness, failing to engage with learning or issues with homework. Sanctions appropriate to these negatives will be applied by staff, but the issue of any three negatives within a period of a half-term will result in an after-school detention on the following Tuesday or Thursday evening. We will inform you in advance by letter and on ClassCharts if your child has been given an after-school detention.
Both students and parents have their own unique code which enables them to access their ClassCharts account online or on the free app available from the app store and Google Play.
ClassCharts is a system adopted by many schools. It has a proven record of supporting schools in identifying behaviour trends, allowing them to recognise the achievements and monitor the behaviour of all students.
ClassCharts is also used for communicating with both students and parents. You will receive an email or a push notification (if using the app) when a new message or letter has been received, this will appear under the ‘announcements’ section of the system. can also view the Heckmondwike Grammar School Homework Calendar via Classcharts.