Frequently Asked Questions
What are the times of the school day?
The school day starts at 8.40am – but students are only required to attend for their first timetabled session of the day. Some days this will be an 8.40 start for Sixth form briefing or a meeting with their tutor. Lessons start at 9.00am.
Do I have to stay in school all day?
No… students are free to leave school during breaktime and lunchtime, or, during their non-contact periods to complete independent enrichment activities.
Do I have to wear uniform?
No. The sixth form has a dress code link based on a university dress code, but this is not a uniform.
Can I use my phone around school?
Phones can be carried around school and students can use headphones, but phone calls and music are not allowed around school as they can disrupt lessons that are happening around the building.
Do I have to do an exam to get into the Sixth Form?
No. The entry requirements link for the sixth form are based on your performance at GCSE. There is no additional exam.
Are there any fees to pay?
No. We are a state funded school and there are no fees.
Can I have a part time job?
Yes, but the hours must not be during the school day. It is possible that teachers will need to see you at times outside your lessons, so you need to be available from 8.40 – 3.15. We suggest that 8hours of work per week is the maximum students should commit to as any more than this can make it difficult to fit in your school work.
Can I study in school if I don’t have a lesson?
Yes. We have a dedicated Sixth Form Centre, the Jo Cox Centre, with study space and ICT facilities. Students are also free to study in our main school building in the well-resourced library.
Can I bring a laptop to school?
Yes. It is up to your teachers as to whether it is appropriate for you to use it in lessons, but you are welcome to use your own devices in study time.
What food is available in school?
Food is available throughout the day in the Sixth Form Centre. Sample Menus