Careers Programme

The careers team are available to work with students in all year groups from year 7-13 to support with their career learning and development. All students can call into the careers drop-in any Monday-Thursday lunchtime between 12.45pm and 1.15pm. Students can also email us at: [email protected] and we can provide personalised and impartial careers information, advice and guidance. We hold the Quality in Careers Standard, and we work towards all Gatsby Benchmarks. An overview of what students will receive over the 23-24 academic year is below: 

Year 7 

During year 7, the intent of the careers programme is to introduce careers and skills that students need to make informed choices about their future. To do this we provide a range of different activities in school for students, including: 

  • Employer encounters – including a talk from an Author during National Careers Week 
  • Dedicated Careers tutorial sessions – including themes such as stereotypes and employment skills 
  • Careers Assemblies – including during National Careers Week 
  • Opportunities to visit universities – including Sheffield Hallam for Mathematics 

Year 8 

In Year 8, students choose their GCSE options, so the focus of the careers programme is to support them with their decision making so they can confidently navigate this. As well as attending the options evening, the careers team are available to provide one to one support as needed. Students have access to a range of activities including: 

  • Employer encounters – careers carousel, in partnership with Ahead 
  • Dedicated Careers tutorial sessions – including themes such as stereotypes and employment skills 
  • Careers Assemblies – including money matters and during National Careers Week 
  • Opportunities to visit universities – including Sheffield Hallam for Mathematics 
  • Attendance from the careers team at options evening and parents evening 

Year 9 

Year 9 students will have the opportunity to engage with a range of different career related activities to help develop their transferable skills in preparation for work experience next academic year. We provide a range of different activities to support this including: 

  • Employer encounters – Enterprise Day
  • Dedicated Careers tutorial sessions – including themes such as stereotypes and employment skills 
  • Careers Assemblies – including money matters and an introduction to Higher Education during National Careers Week 

Year 10 

As students enter Year 10 and are starting to consider their options in more detail, work experience is launched to help them gain an insight into the world of work. The programme focuses on LMI and building confidence in interacting with employers so that students can secure their own work placement. It is meant to emulate the real world of work. We also provide the following: 

  • Dedicated work experience programme, including preparation, mock interviews and reflection following placement.  
  • A chance to attend events which are part of the Pathways Programme in school – including encounters with employers, alumni and trips 
  • A chance to attend the apprenticeship education event at Kirklees College 
  • An opportunity to visit a university campus – including Oxford and Cambridge 
  • A chance to be involved with the schools Young Enterprise competition 
  • Dedicated Careers tutorial sessions – including themes such as stereotypes and employment skills 
  • Careers Assemblies – including money matters and during National Careers Week 
  • Attendance at progression conference in July where students can speak to FE, HE and employer representatives as they start to think about their options for Post 16 
  • Careers attendance at parents evening 

Year 11 

All students in Year 11 are invited to a one-to-one guidance interview, with the focus for this year being on their next steps. We also provide the following: 

  • One to one guidance meetings for all students, including careers summary and follow up as necessary 
  • A chance to attend events which are part of the Pathways Programme in school – including encounters with employers, alumni and trips 
  • An opportunity to visit a university campus – including Oxford and Cambridge 
  • Employer Encounters – Including the NHS Career in Surgery events, a talk from Joe Seddon and a presentation from ASK Apprenticeships 
  • Careers Assemblies – including money matters and during National Careers Week 
  • Careers team attendance at parents evening 

Year 12 

All Year 12 students will be offered a one-to-one careers guidance interview with our dedicated careers advisors. They will be able to explore their individual career ideas in more depth with guidance as well as gaining careers information and advice to enable a successful transition into university, employment or Higher and Degree Apprenticeships. Students will also take part in work experience week in April as well as the following: 

  • Dedicated careers tutorial sessions on post 18 options, applying to university and apprenticeships 
  • University talks organised by Progression Leader including HE Research, apprenticeships and writing personal statements 
  • Subject specific University talks organised by Pathway Leaders 
  • Access to the Apprenticeship Academy  
  • A chance to attend events which are part of the Pathways Programme in school – including encounters with employers, alumni and trips 
  • Employer Encounters – Including the NHS Career in Surgery, Meducators and Morrisons (NCW) 
  • Opportunities to visit universities – including Oxford, Cambridge and Leeds 
  • Dedicated work experience programme, including preparation, mock interviews and reflection following placement. 
  • Progression Conference – including subject taster sessions, alumni panel and careers fair with university, employer and apprenticeship representatives 
  • Careers team attendance at parents evening

Year 13 

Year 13 students receive support from the careers team and the progression leader to make applications for further study apprenticeships, employment or plan their gap year. They can also book careers appointment on request with the careers team allocating specific slots throughout the week. A range of activities on offer include: 

  • Apprenticeship academy – including sessions on finding an apprenticeship, evidencing skills, writing successful applications and interviewing.  
  • Student finance application support 
  • A chance to attend events which are part of the Pathways Programme in school – including encounters with employers, alumni and trips 
  • Subject specific University talks organised by Pathway Leaders 
  • Talks on preparing to transition into university and how to make the most of the summer before you start university 
  • UCAS drop in for advice on selecting courses and options 
  • Careers support on results day and beyond if needed
  • Careers team attendance at parents evening

Higher Education and employment opportunities are communicated to students via MS Teams for each year group.  The Careers Team provide regular updates to students and parents /carers via The Heckler, Sixth Form Bulletin and Twitter @HGSCareers