Parent Information
The school’s Careers Advisers and are involved in the delivery of the careers education programme and provision of impartial careers guidance and advice to students.
In-house careers provision is combined with support from a range of external sources including employers, apprenticeship training providers and representatives from other educational establishments.
For any careers related enquiries you may have, please email us using the contact us link, ensuring that you select the careers option. We also attend the majority of parents’ evenings at school and we are happy to talk to you about any careers related questions including progression options and exploring labour market information.
Careers Advice and Guidance
Students from any year group who would like to discuss their career plans can book an appointment with a careers adviser by calling into the careers centre.
All year 11 students are invited to an individual careers appointment to help them to make a successful transition to post 16 learning and they are provided with a written summary of their guidance.
All year 12 students are also invited to an individual careers appointment between March and the end of the summer term.
Students from all year groups are welcome to use the resources and facilities and can visit the careers centre during Monday – Thursday 12.45-1.15pm ‘drop in’ sessions
Parents are welcome to attend careers appointments by prior arrangement, or can contact the Careers department by telephone or e-mail [email protected]
Free independent advice is also available from the National Careers Service helpline available daily from 8am to 10pm 0800 100 900 .
Careers Information
We have been awarded the national Quality in Careers Standard, for providing high quality information, advice and guidance to students.
As well as housing up to date university prospectuses, our careers library holds information on a wide selection of careers and higher/further education courses, apprenticeship information and literature from professional bodies.
We also subscribe to a number of software packages where students can access impartial information to help with their career ideas.
Useful Links for Parents
Futuregoals – Parent and carer information
Youth Employment – Careers advice for parents
Parental Guidance – The Careers Writers Association – Parents guide to apprenticeships
Amazing Apprenticeships – Guidance for parents and carers
UCAS – Advice for parents and carers on applying to University
UCAS – Alternatives to University