Design Technology – Food Preparation & Nutrition


This GCSE follows the AQA specification for Food Preparation & Nutrition and builds upon the content studied at Key Stage 3 in Years 7 and 8.

Design Technology Overview


Food Preparation & Nutrition

This course embraces and emphasises the understanding and enjoyment of different cuisines. There will be a significant focus on developing high level cooking skills. Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the functional properties and chemical processes as well as the nutritional content of food and drink.



Non-exam assessments 


What will it be like?

This is a GCSE course with a strong practical focus. You will master a variety of technical skills and become proficient in the kitchen. In addition, you will develop an in depth knowledge of food science, food safety, food choice, nutrition and health.

You will also develop transferable skills such as:

  • Analysis
  • Evaluation
  • Communication skills
  • Working independently
  • Time management
  • The ability to interpret information and data

Food Preparation and Nutrition will allow students to develop a greater understanding of nutrition, food provenance and the working characteristics of food materials. You will learn about food from around the world, through the study of British and international culinary traditions as well as developing an understanding of where food comes from and the challenges regarding food security.

You will master culinary skills and appreciate the science behind food and cooking. This is an exciting and creative course that will allow you to demonstrate your practical skills and make connections between theory and practice.

Food Preparation and Nutrition also helps you to learn how to work independently and manage your time – skills valued by both higher education institutions and employers alike.


Assessment will be in the form of a written paper (50%) and controlled assessment tasks (50%). The controlled assessment will involve two components; a food investigation task in which students will write a report on the working characteristics, function and chemical properties of ingredients. The second task is a food preparation assessment where students will plan, prepare, develop and present a themed menu of three dishes in three hours.

Both controlled assessment tasks are set by the exam board and can only be completed in Year 11.