Behaviour System
Ethos Points are awarded to recognise those students who consistently display a positive attitude and work ethic through our grammar school values and our motto. All students should get these in every lesson. Additional Ethos Points can be awarded outside of lessons for actions which reflect our values.
1898 Points are awarded to students and staff as a recognition for attending or organising extra-curricular activities, attending or delivering mentoring or impact sessions, and contributing to the wider life of the school.
Academic Points are awarded following the MileStone Assessments completed throughout Y7 – Y13. Based on a comparison between your target grade and your assessment grade in each subject.
There are 3 other categories of Positive Points that can be awarded at a teacher’s discretion. These are awarded when students have displayed further excellence in their work:
Classwork Excellence. Awarded for work completed in class that is worthy of merit.
Homework Excellence. Awarded for completing homework or independent research that is worthy of merit.
Participation Excellence. Awarded for answering questions, displaying a high standard of oracy or effort that is worthy of merit.
Negative Points are issued when a student does not uphold the values of the school. 6 negative points within a half-term will result in a school detention. Students and parents are notified via ClassCharts. Further consequences will be applied if students repeatedly incur school detentions.
1st = Verbal Warning
2nd = Loss of Ethos Point
3rd = Poor Behaviour in Lesson Point
Homework – 2. Issued for any missed, incomplete or unsatisfactory homework.
Late – 2. Issued for arriving late to school or a lesson without good reason.
Misuse of Equipment or Uniform – 1. Issued for inappropriate use of a mobile phone, incorrect uniform or lack of essential equipment.
Poor Behaviour out of Lesson -2. Issued for inappropriate use of a mobile phone, incorrect uniform or lack of essential equipment.