Students in Years 7 to 11 are expected to wear school uniform. The uniform is very important, as it constitutes a visible representation of the school and its values. Students are expected to wear the uniform smartly during the school day and on their way to and from school. Students must arrive onto the school site in full uniform. We allow students to wear a coat over their uniform.
Hoodies are not permitted, as they are not part of the school uniform.
Parents should be aware that the manufacturers of some items of uniform and kit has been quoted. Other manufacturers of similar items of uniform will be a different colour and will not match the official school uniform and therefore parents may be asked to replace the incorrect item should they be bought. Students in receipt of Pupil Premium should contact the school to discuss the support that is available.
The purpose of the uniform is:
- to promote a positive image of the school to students, parents and members of the public.
- to maintain the traditions of the school thereby encouraging a sense of identity and pride
in our students. - to provide smart, attractive, cost effective and hard-wearing clothing suitable for all
seasons. - to help maintain a disciplined and safe learning environment free from distraction