Code of Conduct

Students are expected to uphold our core values of respect, responsibility and excellence. 

 Take responsibility by behaving in an orderly and self-controlled way  

  • Show respect to each other, members of staff and themselves 
  • In class, demonstrate respect for learning by making it possible for all pupils to learn 
  • Move quietly around the school 
  • Treat the school buildings and school property with respect 
  • Always uphold the security and safety of everyone in school 
  • Always wear the correct uniform 
  • Accept sanctions when given 
  • Refrain from behaving in a way that brings the school into disrepute, including when outside school 
  • Use online platforms and social media responsibly, ensuring that no post identifies staff or students of the school without their permission, or brings the reputation of the school into disrepute in the opinion of School Leader

Our Values



Home School Agreement

Home School Agreement