We concentrate on developing the skills students have been acquiring over the last two years in their French lessons. The course focuses on developing students’ communication and comprehension skills and prepares them to use the language for practical communication and to continue with further study of the language.
What will it be like?
The course is made of up of 4 key skills:
Listening: The basic skill is being able to understand what people say to you, so you’ll continue to hear lots of spoken French from your teacher and the audio and video recordings of French native speakers.
Speaking: You learn to speak by speaking! You develop your confidence by imitating the French you hear. You learn to talk more about yourself, your family, your interests, your plans; and you act out situations you might meet in France, and you get to express your opinions about things.
Reading: You learn to read lots of authentic French for information and for pleasure. This could be anything from adverts to newspaper articles or blogs to extracts from novels.
Writing: You develop your ability to write what you want to. You will learn to adapt the language you have learn to write essays on a variety of topics and you will also develop your ability to translate text from English into French accurately.
Students are entered for GCSE with the AQA examinations board.
The GCSE course is assessed through listening, speaking, reading and writing components. The four skills are weighted equally at 25% each and are tested by external examinations at the end of the course.