Heckmondwike Grammar School Celebrates Student Success
Heckmondwike Grammar School’s Senior Prize-giving took place at Dewsbury Town Hall on Thursday 21st December

Heckmondwike Grammar School’s Senior Prize-giving took place at Dewsbury Town Hall on Thursday 21st December. The ‘Christmas spirit’ was very much present for this first time that the event has been held there, and the atmosphere was full of goodwill. The Soul Band provided excellent entertainment before the start; and there were many highlights to the evening. These included the Head Boy and Head Girl, Jack Bloxsome and Bronwen Brown, presenting very positive reflections on their respective journeys through the school, followed by fellow student Megan Dransfield performing exceptionally with a Puccini aria that brought tears to many an eye. The guest speaker, Tracy Brabin MP, a former student of the school, spoke inspirationally of her time at the school and the experiences that eventually led her into politics. A particular and very personal element was produced when Peter Roberts, Deputy Head and master of ceremonies for the evening, introduced his son, Lewis, who won a number of prizes and in particular the top academic award of the ‘Rex Scholarum’; a moment of especial pride for the whole family. The school’s congratulations go to all prize winners and their families; and their thanks to all of the staff of the Town Hall who made the event such a triumph.