HGS Eco-Committee awarded a coveted Eco- Schools Green Flag

The HGS Eco-Committee has earned an international accreditation, recognising their amazing work in making our school more environmentally friendly and raising eco-awareness in fellow students.

Eco-Schools is an international education programme that prompts young people to explore sustainability and climate change and take action.

The Eco-Committee conducted an environmental review, assessing how eco-friendly our school is. They reviewed everything from the school’s recycling practices, to energy usage, to how environmental themes are covered in classrooms. Building on their findings, the committee planned a year of activities that would up their green-credentials.

Over the last 12 months the group has ran uniform drives, book swaps, food collections, planted trees, litter picking, held talks and led assemblies. All of this put together led them to achieving the
Green Flag Award with Distinction.

A member of the group said ‘What has been most important has been raising the awareness of how everyone can act more ecologically in their daily lives, in and out of school. While completing this award we have tried our hardest to help the local community along the way, with the food drives and litter picks. Hopefully, improving all of our Global Citizenship.

Eco-Schools England Manager, Adam Flint, said: “Earning an Eco-Schools Green Flag Award takes passion, commitment and a desire to make a difference. Pupils should be proud of their great work. They’re an inspiration and it makes us feel heartened and positive about the future of our planet.”

To learn more about Eco-Schools head to www.eco-schools.org.uk