A-Level Results 2018

Congratulations to all our students on achieving outstanding A level results again this year. As always the profile of our grades shows a very strong bias towards the upper range of grades. Excluding general studies, 76% of results were at grade C or better.
There were 243 A and A* grades altogether, including thirty-eight students that achieved three or more grade A* or A passes while eight students achieved a remarkable four or more A* or A grades. Extra special mentions go to Nitish Bala, Alim Kapdi and Basim Khajwal, all of whom achieved an incredible four A* grades, and also to Matthew Bullock, Lucy Chen, Kate Lee, Francesca Mencattelli and Jamie Stirling, all of whom gained three A* grades each.
These superb results reflect the hard work and dedication of our students and staff, and will enable the students to take their next steps with confidence. The outcomes in terms of students being placed at universities of their choice are exceptionally good this year.