
Your safety and emotional well-being is really important to us and we have a clear policy on safeguarding all students. All members of the school community have a responsibility to assist in this by maintaining the security of the premises and by reporting anything they feel threatens the safety or well-being of themselves or others. Should students or parents have any concerns in this respect, they should contact the child’s form tutor or any other member of staff who will alert the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr S Taylor, Assistant Headteacher (KS4).





The Deputy DSL is Mrs N Goulding, Welfare Officer.

In order to maintain site security, students should follow a number of simple rules.

  • Be easily identifiable by wearing the school uniform and/or clearly displaying your school identity badge;
  • Ensure that you close all external doors behind you, checking they are shut properly; if you see an external door left open, close it!
  • If any visitor is seen trying to get on site, you should direct them to reception – DO NOT let them enter the building through other secure external doors;
  • If you think that any individual has gained unauthorised access to the premises, immediately report your suspicions to a member of staff;

Safeguarding is also concerned with how we are treated. At HGS every person has the right to feel comfortable, secure and accepted as an individual without being subjected to behaviour that makes them feel upset, intimidated or uncomfortable. Following the Code of Conduct is an expectation and upholding it is a responsibility for us all – bullying or extreme views/behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated and must be reported to us to address.

Message to students

  •  if you are being made to feel uncomfortable in any way, do not hesitate to talk in confidence to your Form Tutor, Head of Year or any other member of staff. It may be difficult but do try to find the confidence to tell someone that you are worried so they can help.

Message to parents

  •  if you feel that your child is being bullied at school or online, please contact his/her Form Tutor in the first instance. The school has an anti-bullying policy and we treat such occurrences seriously and will take appropriate steps to deal with the matter.

Emotional Wellbeing

  • This is very important to us and we know there are times in the year when you may struggle in some way. If you have any personal issues that need support, the first person to speak to is your Form Tutor. You can also see your Head of Year for help, support and guidance. The School Nurse has a drop-in session each week and students can see her for confidential advice on any personal matter which they may wish to discuss. Should you require more specialist support, we also have a counsellor available in school, seen by appointment. This is done via referral through your Student Support Manager.

Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs of any sort are not tolerated in school or on any school-related activity. Failure to observe this rule could lead to exclusion. Pupils who are aware of substances of this nature coming into school are under an obligation to inform a member of staff immediately.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy