We have high expectations of our students. These expectations are to ensure students make the best possible progress in their time at HGSF.
We expect our students to:
- show respect for the school environment, staff, fellow students and pupils; ensuring that behaviour is of the highest standard, both in and out of school.
- ensure the safety of our school community by wearing their ID badge and lanyard at all times in school
- ensure the safety of our school community by not allowing anyone who is not a student of the school onto the school site
- meet the requirements of full attendance to all timetabled sessions
- attend school, and all lessons punctually
- comply with the Sixth form dress code
- read emails regularly to ensure they are informed of school events
- work conscientiously, taking an active interest in lessons, reading around their chosen subjects and revising frequently to consolidate knowledge and understanding
- spend non-contact time productively, undertaking study outside of time-tabled lessons of at least 15 hours per week to ensure a detailed and thorough knowledge of A Level subjects
- take personal responsibility for ensuring the effective organisation of time and study in and out of school.
- meet all deadlines for work set by staff
- work to the best of their ability and to seek opportunities to discuss problems with staff and tutors.
- appreciate that the Sixth Form is part of the whole school and to aim to contribute to House and other school activities as appropriate
- use social media responsibly, ensuring that no post identifies staff or students of the school without their permission, or brings the reputation of the school into disrepute
All students, and their parents, will be required to sign a learning agreement at the start of Year 12.