Sewer Improvement Works on High Street
From Monday 25th June 2018, work will commence to install a new sewer on High Street. The work is set to take place in two phases and is expected to take 14 weeks to complete. The first phase of the scheme will start on Monday 25th June on High Street on the tarmacked area by the flats on Church Lane. Church Lane will therefore be closed at the junction with High Street. This closure will be in place 24 hours a day, traffic diversions will be via Church Street to Market Street. This will remain in place until the end of August.
The second phase is due to commence on 23rd July and is expected to take 6 weeks to complete. This work will be on High Street between Church Lane and North Street. Temporary traffic lights will be installed on High Street between Church Lane and North Street and will be in operation for 24 hours a day.
Please note that these works are likely to have an impact on traffic flows in the area, please allow more time for your journey.