Quality in Careers Standard

“This was an excellent submission for the Quality in Careers Standard and all criteria have been fully met with many examples of exemplary practice. The “whole school” approach to CEAIG being integral to everything else the school delivers is fantastic and the commitment of the Head Teacher, Deputy Head and all staff ensures that the careers team have the support, budget, and time to run an exemplary careers programme.
The commitment to review and evalaution has ensured that the school has not “stood still” since the last assessment and the drive for continuous improvement has led to some excellent and in-novative developments. In particular, the Pathways programme is exemplary practice and I am very interested to hear how this has been rolled out to the whole school. Students at Heckmondwike Grammar talked very favourably about the careers programme. The CEAIG at Heckmondwike equips students to make informed, aspirational, and positive decisions about their future, and this was confirmed by students on the day. All the students interviewed were confident that they were making the right decisions and extremely positive about their futures and believed that the careers support they had received was invaluable. The enthusiasm, commitment and knowledge of the Careers Leader and whole careers team is a real bonus for the school and this combined with the support from senior level ensures that the CEAIG programme at Heckmondwike Grammar School is well thought out and delivers the best possible outcomes for all students. The careers programme at Heckmondwike Grammar School has many strengths and there is a robust plan to embed good practice in all aspects of CEIAG. Congratulations on achieving the Quality in Careers Standard which fully incorporates the Gatsby Benchmarks. This is an excellent achievement and recognises the quality and breadth of your careers provision.”