Work Experience 2023
Would you be interested in hosting a student for work experience?

As part of our long term strategy of fully equipping our students for the world of work, we are adding to our current provision next year, by implementing a work experience program for year 10 and year 12 students. I am sure we all agree that experience of the workplace can be hugely beneficial to young adults, as they start to develop their ideas for future careers.
Similarly, for the high calibre professions our students are typically aiming for, the application process for university and direct employment has become ever more competitive and so being able to discuss what they learned and experienced on such placements will stand them in good stead.
As I’m sure you can imagine the logistics of a few hundred students finding placements is quite significant, so we are starting the process now, in advance of the planned dates in the Summer term of 2023. We are reaching out to all our parents and carers now to ask if you, the company you work for, or perhaps a friend or family member, would be interested in hosting a student. We firmly believe that all work experience is good experience, so we are looking for a full range of placements, at all levels and in both the public and private sectors.
We would be very grateful if you would complete the enclosed Work Related Learning form, at this stage as an expression of interest, so that we can start to put plans together. On this form there is also a section to ask if you would be interested in speaking to students about your career or the business that you are in. Again, this strategy is designed to expose our students to as many different career routes as possible, to enable them to make informed decisions about their own progression plans.
Thank you in advance for taking a few minutes to complete the form, we are very grateful.